Living in Little ElmLake Attitude

The Town of Little Elm is all wet, in the sense that over 66 miles of our corporate town limits are shoreline on Lewisville Lake. Our community is fortunate to have such a scenic setting. Almost everywhere you travel in town, neighborhoods have a view of the lake, a growing fact for which we are becoming more famous for within the Dallas-Fort Worth region.

Humble Beginnings

The Peters Colony and Little Elm were chartered in 1841 as part of the Republic of Texas.

The area was inhabited mostly by Native American tribes who lived along the several creeks that traversed the area, providing abundant water for springs and associated wildlife for food. As settlers discovered, the area also had a rich source of timber, which provided fuel in the winters and fertile soil for crops.

Surprising Growth

Little Elm remained a quiet lakeside community until growth by surrounding communities began to have a profound affect on our sleepy town. As growth discovered Little Elm in the late 1990s, residents began to prepare for the influx of new residents that were learning about our beautiful lake setting that had been enjoyed so much by a small number of the local residents for decades.


Little Elm was incorporated in July 1966; adopted the council / manager form of government and its Home Rule Charter in May 2001; and currently has approximately 13,722.7 acres or 21.44 square miles within its corporate limits.